Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"No 'Poo" Day 4!

Today was an updo day because I was outside and at work all day long! There was no point to doing my hair. 

I didn't "wash" my hair today, just brushed it. My hair felt better after I did that because of the distribution of the natural oils throughout my hair, no more dryness :) Hopefully I have as good of luck tomorrow! Here's hopin'! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Decision to Go "No 'Poo"

What is it?

"No 'Poo" means stopping washing your hair with shampoo. No, this does not mean that one is not washing hair at all, don't worry! You use an alternative cleansing agent, baking soda, to wash your hair. Then, to "condition" your hair, you rinse with apple cider vinegar.

Why did I do this? Several reasons!

1)It's so eco friendly. Think about it, instead of a factory producing your shampoo and creating so much waste, you are making it in your own home without the use of any heavy machinery or electricity (aside from the light in your kitchen) and you can reuse your 1 bottle instead of getting a new one every time you shampoo! Much less waste.
2) It's better for your body because you aren't putting strange chemicals anywhere near it. You are only using baking soda and water, then apple cider vinegar and water. 3 ingredients total, all of which are natural :)
3) It saves SO much money! All you do is buy 2 bottles to begin with (or reuse some you already have) and then periodically buy more baking soda and ACV, though apparently this will only be every few months because you will be able to go longer between washings and you dilute it with water.
4) My hair had become especially dry from commercial products and started falling out... VERY bad! I needed an escape... and then I found this while searching the internet frantically to find a cure for hair loss! Without using the excess chemicals, less of my hair is falling out (so I suppose that was the initial cause, because hair loss does not run in the family and I eat healthy).

I do a ratio of 1 tbsp of baking soda to 8 oz of water, then 1 to 1.5 tbsp of ACV to 8 oz of water, depending on how dry my hair is. The more ACV, the more moisture.

I will keep you posted on how this is going for me! I'll try to update every day for a month or so, however long the transition period is, and then every so often afterwards!

The "No 'Poo" Experiment! Day 3

To see me  on day 2, watch this video click here . 

I decided to document my No 'Poo experiment because I have seen so many videos of people talking about how great there hair is after months of usage, but no one has videos or blogs describing the adjustment or transition period! Since I decided to go without shampoo, I figured I might as well be the first to show the step by step!

This is day 3! 

Today, my hair feels a bit drier and frizzier... I must just be starting the "transition period" I hear many talk of. Apparently, during the first month of washing hair with baking soda, your hair will be a bit AWOL. There will be days when your hair is beautiful and days when it is being crazy (either super oily or frizzy and dry). Today is a frizzy day :( Hopefully I get to the pretty hair again, like my hair was in the video on my vlog! 

I have seen so many people who are happy with their hair and use this baking soda and ACV method and I really hope that it works for me too, we shall see!

I feel like all of the gunk that was in my hair before from all of my commercial hair products is finally out of my hair and I'm starting to see all of the split ends that the products had covered up! I've just been clipping those off so my hair can have a fresh start :)

My hair care routine is as follows:

1) Wet hair 
2) Pour mixture of baking soda on scalp only (1 tbsp to 8 oz water) and let sit for 30 secs, then massage in and rinse with cool water.
3) Pour mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar on all hair (about 1.5 tbsp to 8 oz water because my hair is naturally drier), focusing on the middle and ends where most moisture is needed and let sit for 30 seconds max, then rinse with cool water.
40 towel dry and then spray with chamomile tea (I find this very refreshing and moisturizing. Any herbal tea will work, but i chose chamomile for its lightening properties!) 

My hair has been air drying much faster than it had previously!